As a company that is registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority, PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia (MAMI) must adhere to the prevailing regulations, including those that are applicable to companies affiliated with the Manulife Group. Such regulations, inter alia, are the regulations on anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing in the financial sector, as well as taxation.
In relation thereto, I hereby consent and declare the following:
As a prospective investor of mutual funds managed by MAMI (hereinafter “Reksa Dana Manulife”), I have read and understand the offering document regarding Reksa Dana Manulife, and upon signing this e-form I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in the prospectus of Reksa Dana Manulife.
The decision to invest in Reksa Dana Manulife is my own and for my own benefit (not for the benefit of any other party or beneficial owner).
The money I invest in Reksa Dana Manulife is not sourced from illegal activities, and my investment in Reksa Dana Manulife is not for illegal activities that infringe the laws. In terms of payment, I understand that cash payment of subscription to Reksa Dana Manulife is prohibited.
For the purpose of carrying out its duties as Investment Manager, I understand and agree that MAMI may provide or disclose information/data/documents I have submitted for the purpose of account opening/transactions of Reksa Dana Manulife with other parties, including other companies within the Manulife Group, as far as such actions do not infringe the prevailing regulations.
To ensure the data accuracy, I undertake to inform MAMI should there be any changes to the information/data/documents that I have submitted, including my taxation status, no later than thirty (30) days after such changes are effective.
All information/data/documents that I have submitted, including those stated in this form, are true, complete, recent and free from any fraud. If in the future this statement is shown to be false, or if my account is used for unlawful purposes, MAMI has the right to carry out actions allowed by the prevailing regulations.
I agree that any electronic document I have submitted to MAMI for the account opening/transactions of Reksa Dana Manulife can be used and shall serve as valid evidence. I also agree to receive any report, notification and other communication from MAMI by e-mail, SMS or other means of electronic communication that I have registered.
I also agree that for the purpose of receiving the latest information on products and services from MAMI, I shall allow MAMI to contact me at or through the address, e-mail or phone number I have stated on this electronic form.